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Stormont Dundas & Glengarry Highlanders – Battle Dress Grouping ‘Pte. BALL’

Stormont Dundas & Glengarry Highlanders battle dress grouping named to Private A.H. BALL. The tunic is in worn condition and showing a few small damages, original applied insignia consisting of embroidered SDG shoulder titles, printed 3rd Canadian Infantry Division patches and Canadian Army Occupation Force (CAOF) bars which was worn in Germany after the war. The tunic comes with Pte. BALL’s medals, blackened web belt which is also named, his Veteran beret Legion branch 497, a US money coin and his wartime medals. We’ve not done any research to Private BALL, he might have an interesting wartime history. The right breast pocket and left collar shows traces of glue, might be removable.


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Weight 2000 g
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