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Waffen-SS M42 SD combat helmet – EF68

Waffen-SS M42 single decal helmet (EF68). This helmet is in uncleaned original condition, shows traces of wear. The decal is retains for about 95%. All three liner retaining rivets are intact. The leather liner is in used, dry condition as found. Soldier’s name is written on the leather. The shell’s maker markings are not readable, but we can tell this is a large size 68 and the decal appears to be a EF decal so we would say EF68.  This helmet was originally found in Caen, Normandy (together with the other SS M42 helmet we sold some time ago). The helmet has its original chinstrap, maker marked, dry condition. The ouside of the helmet is nicer then the inside, if you are looking for a so called ‘one-looker’ this would be the perfect helmet.

Hard to find original Waffen SS helmet.

Out of stock

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Weight 2000 g
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